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Our mission
Our mission este de a încuraja conexiunile autentice prin mâncare. Oferind o platformă transparentă și accesibilă, conectăm oamenii cu bucătari pasionați, capabili să transforme orice masă într-o experiență de calitate. Astfel, aducem oamenii mai aproape unii de alții, prin intermediul unei comunități care valorifică gastronomia ca mijloc de a crea conexiuni și momente speciale.
Cu valori bazate pe transparență, diversitate și accesibilitate, CookPlato reimaginează ideea de a avea un bucătar personal, făcând-o simplă, la îndemână și adaptată fiecărei ocazii și fiecărui buget.

Culinary freedom
CookPlato envisions itself as a dual-purpose platform, serving both as a launchpad for aspiring cooks and a showcase for passionate cooks. We are committed to nurturing culinary talent and providing a stage for individuals to share their creativity and expertise with the world.
For Hosts
CookPlato offers you a transparent and accessible environment where you decide what suits your needs and preferences. You have the freedom to choose your options without constraints or filters that limit your choices. Enjoy clear prices, detailed information about dishes, and efficient communication throughout the entire process.
For Cooks
As a CookPlato Chef, you have complete flexibility in setting your schedule, allowing you to work according to your availability and preferences. This way, you have the freedom to manage your time efficiently, turning your involvement with CookPlato into a source of income.

CookPlato Chefs
Trusted cooks
We verify the identity of every cook on our platform, giving you the confidence that each cook in our community is trustworthy and committed to providing a safe culinary experience.
Accessible to all
CookPlato's openness to all categories of cooks, regardless of their level of experience or culinary specialization, ensures that our services are accessible to all customers, from financial aspects to culinary offerings.
Fast responses
If you have any questions or special requests, be sure that our cooks respond promptly, ensuring that your culinary experience is exactly how you want it to be.